Greetings all, The author of the Victorious RPG Mike Stewart will be participating in a chat room Question & Answer session over the game on Thursday April 20th at 7:30pm Central. You can go to the chat room and ask questions at the following link: http:...
Power Fatigue List
Greetings all, An insightful gamer asked me about how the Fatigue rules in Victorious work when broken down to specific powers and abilities. To provide examples, I threw together the list below. Please note: There are 3 types of answers here. “Yes” means ...
Victorious nominated for the Three Castles Award
Victorious is proud to be one of the nominated finalists for this year’s Three Castles Award for RPG Design! The Three Castles Award has been awarded to RPG products since 2011 with the very first one going to Michael Curtis for his “The Dungeon Al...
The ‘Fleetfoot’ Class
The following is an additional (unofficial) class that covers the ‘speedster’ of comic book fame, exemplified by such figures as the Flash and Quicksilver. It is a Victorian trope too, as noted in H. G. Wells’ short story “The New Accelerator” of 190...
Never Fear, Flashman Is Here!
Greetings all, As a bit of fun for the New Year, here’s the Victorious statistics for everyone’s favorite coward, Harry Flashman. This star of the series of books by George MacDonald Fraser has this Victorian anti-hero cavorting all across the Victorian wo...
Blake’s 7 Victorious: Classes Part II
Here it is, the second part of the Victorious Blake’s 7 rules regarding classes. The four classes presented here are the Rebel, the Scavenger, the Technician, and the Trooper. With the classes already given in Part I earlier, this makes a total of seven ...
Blake’s 7 Victorious: Classes Part I
Greetings all, It took a little time, but this one is getting in right before the year’s end…which is close enough right? ☺ Below are the first three B7 classes (Dilettante, Functionary, Pirate) with their accompanying special skills, and the remain...
Holiday Adventure: The Nights Before Christmas
Merry Christmas from the Steampunk Age of SuperMankind! Emerging from the dubious dives of the Victorious offices, we bring you a holiday treat; a free adventure set in Victorian New York City. The Russian witch Baba Yaga is stalking the streets of Gotham, ste...
Blake’s 7 Victorious: New Skills
Greetings all, The holidays have conspired to delay the classes post for the Blake’s 7 Victorious rules. Well, that and the Victorious short adventure “The Nights Before Christmas” that the wife is busily working on formatting. To give our readers so...
Blake’s 7 Victorious
Victorious as a role-playing game is based predominantly in super heroics in the context of Victorian era Steam technology. At first glance, this seems to be inappropriate to a science fiction show like the BBC’s Blake’s 7 (1978-1981). However, I believe t...