Hello all, This will be quick, as I’m getting ready to run my Grim Victorious game for North Texas RPG Con. Due to CV19, I will be running it virtually. I’m hoping I can still keep the dark tone of the book it’s loosely based on (The Great God Pan by...
Updates and Ostriches
Hello all, Just a couple of quick things this time around. First I have it on excellent authority (my wife) that Act II of Evil in the White City has passed editing and is in layout. So, the conclusion to the evil behind the Articulator is soon coming! Second,...
Its a Long…Con?
Hello all, Liz and I are discussing attending the Spring Long Con in Longview Texas next month. April 24-26: The Long Con Spring Fling (Longview TX) In this regard, it came up that if you run a “official” game (on the schedule) you get in for free....
Time Flies…?
Long time no see— I was thinking to myself that I needed to post on the blog since it had been over a week since I’d last posted. So, I got on to take a look…and saw it was over 3 weeks! I’ll try to make sure things don’t sneak up on me aga...
FenCon 2019 will be Victorious!
Greetings all, This is just a quick note to one and all that my dear wife Liz and I will be at FenCon at the Sheraton Hotel near the DFW airport this weekend. We’ll be in the gaming room running Victorious after 6pm on Friday and Saturday nights, and the gam...
Evil in the White City Act 1 Released!

Greetings all, The first part of the upcoming Evil in the White City supplement for Victorious has been released on DriveThru RPG! Act 1 involves a missing student, a curious skeleton, and the lair of…the Articulator! This first part of the four-part boo...
Off to North Texas RPG Con!
Greetings all, Sorry for the delay in posting, but we’ve been prepping to go to the North Texas RPG Con, and as usual we’re taking the whole house and the kitchen sink. Not to mention I’ve been prepping for my Victorious game I’m...
Victorian and Edwardian Adventure Magazines
Greetings! A quick post this week as it’s been a busy weekend. Here are some nice online sources for Victorian and Edwardian (pre-1911) magazines to use as inspiration for adventures or even props for some of your Victorious games. Enjoy, and tell us ...
Domesday issue 9: The Virtuous, the Vaunted, and the Vile
Greetings to the Victorious Assembly of Heroes and Heroines on the Aetherwebs! The Domesday magazine, a e-publication of the Castles & Crusades Society, is now out for free download. A new column has been added to the ‘zine called The Virtuous, the V...
Victorious Links
Greetings all, Whew! August has been rather taxing for your friends at the Victorious RPG page. Between trips, conventions, and other sundries we’ve not been as diligent in posting as we’d wish. To make up for this shocking omission, we present the followi...