Hello all, This will be quick, as I’m getting ready to run my Grim Victorious game for North Texas RPG Con. Due to CV19, I will be running it virtually. I’m hoping I can still keep the dark tone of the book it’s loosely based on (The Great God Pan by...
Its a Long…Con?
Hello all, Liz and I are discussing attending the Spring Long Con in Longview Texas next month. April 24-26: The Long Con Spring Fling (Longview TX) In this regard, it came up that if you run a “official” game (on the schedule) you get in for free....
FenCon 2019 will be Victorious!
Greetings all, This is just a quick note to one and all that my dear wife Liz and I will be at FenCon at the Sheraton Hotel near the DFW airport this weekend. We’ll be in the gaming room running Victorious after 6pm on Friday and Saturday nights, and the gam...
Evil in the White City Act 1 Released!

Greetings all, The first part of the upcoming Evil in the White City supplement for Victorious has been released on DriveThru RPG! Act 1 involves a missing student, a curious skeleton, and the lair of…the Articulator! This first part of the four-part boo...
Shane Plays…Victorious!
Greetings all, Shane from the Shane Plays radio show and podcast caught up with us at the North Texas RPG Con and our conversation has gone live at: https://shaneplays.com/victorious-rpg-north-texas-rpg-con/ We talk Victorious (of course!) along with Liz and m...
Off to North Texas RPG Con!
Greetings all, Sorry for the delay in posting, but we’ve been prepping to go to the North Texas RPG Con, and as usual we’re taking the whole house and the kitchen sink. Not to mention I’ve been prepping for my Victorious game I’m...
Victorious Review on Multiverse Blog
Greetings all, I was just made aware of this review of the Victorious RPG a couple of days ago and thought I’d share: http://multiverse.world/blog/2018/10/18/victorious-victorian-steampunk-superheroes/ Overall it’s a fair review, and I’d like...
Victorious on Game School Podcast
Greetings, all you Foes of Villany! Your humble Genteel magistrate was on the Game School podcast describing the Victorious RPG and running the hosts Jay-Cee and Spence through a quick game to show them the system. It’s all here at: http://gameschool.tsr...
Champions Now!
Greetings all, I wanted to post a quick note about a Kickstarter I was recently made aware of. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/herogames/champions-now/ It might be strange for the author of a Superhero RPG (Victorious) to promote another Superhero ...
DMs Mike and Liz at FenCon
Just discovered this was up… Thx to D. Barnett for doing the video: On it we discuss the Victorious games at 2017’s FenCon, where for the first time we allowed players to create their characters instead of having pregens. It was an interesting expe...