Greetings all, long time no see! Sorry about the vast gap of time between these posts, but I fell into Doctor Saturn’s Electric Chronoscope, and it sent me over 2 years into the future. That’s what happened. Really! It’s my story and I’...
The NTRPG Con 2022 Victorious game: Part 1

At the beginning of the session we passed out envelopes to each of the seven players. They were told to open them and look at the 2 playing cards within. If neither were spades or clubs, then they weren’t the killer of the wizard’s fiancé. While they were...
Retribution – A Real Deterrent
Hello all, One of the things I’ve heard in the past is that superheroics aren’t believable since criminals would just kill masked vigilantes whenever possible. Like most ideas this has a grain of truth. However, it falls apart under close scrutiny. The fir...
Time Flies…?
Long time no see— I was thinking to myself that I needed to post on the blog since it had been over a week since I’d last posted. So, I got on to take a look…and saw it was over 3 weeks! I’ll try to make sure things don’t sneak up on me aga...
Clockwork Monday: The Machine

Nom du Guerre: THE MACHINE Proper Name: Dr. Charles Grey STR: 22 (+5) INT: 18 (+3) (Prime) WIS: 21 (+4) CON: 22 (+5) (Prime) DEX: 17 (+2) (Prime) CHA: 5 (-2) INIT: +0 Actions: 1 per round AC: 10, +2 Dodge Defensive: +3 Suppression, +6 Temporal Hit Points: 74 L...
North Texas RPG Con Victorious Game: Moriarty Must Die!
Hello all, A 4 day convention, an allergy attack Saturday, and con crud this past week has conspired to keep me from writing this recap of the Victorious game I ran Friday at the con from 1pm–5pm. Until now, that is! I decided to do things a little different...
Clockwork Monday: Comedy and Tragedy

Comedy Background Carmen Enid Dee was born at the rambling Dee manor outside London. Yes, she’s related to “that” Dee; Dr. John Dee of Queen Elizabeth I’s court. Her ancestor made a deal with the Fey Seelie Court for power, and he got i...