Greetings all,
I wanted to post a quick note about a Kickstarter I was recently made aware of.
It might be strange for the author of a Superhero RPG (Victorious) to promote another Superhero RPG, but to heck with it. I spent my formative years with Champions 1st edition, and bought books 2 and 3 during the 80s to round out my Superheroing. With 4E Champions, the game went in a direction that many liked, but I did not. I played other systems like Villains and Vigilantes, Super Squadron, as well as Marvel Super Heroes from TSR before coming to my own designed game. Victorious is still my fave game of SuperMankind!
Yet Champions 1E-3E will always hold a soft spot in my heart. So please, there’s only a week left and they’re so close to the goal!
Your Genteel Magistrate thanks you!