Nom du Guerre: THE MACHINE Proper Name: Dr. Charles Grey STR: 22 (+5) INT: 18 (+3) (Prime) WIS: 21 (+4) CON: 22 (+5) (Prime) DEX: 17 (+2) (Prime) CHA: 5 (-2) INIT: +0 Actions: 1 per round AC: 10, +2 Dodge Defensive: +3 Suppression, +6 Temporal Hit Points: 74 L...
Clockwork Monday
Clockwork Monday: Monitor

Greetings all, Here’s a (re)publication of the American hero(ine) Monitor. It was brought to my attention that the stats for Monitor in the Phantasmagoria left some important things off the statistics; such as actual Armor and Invulnerability — important f...
Clockwork Monday: Comedy and Tragedy

Comedy Background Carmen Enid Dee was born at the rambling Dee manor outside London. Yes, she’s related to “that” Dee; Dr. John Dee of Queen Elizabeth I’s court. Her ancestor made a deal with the Fey Seelie Court for power, and he got i...
Clockwork Mondays: Week 10

Here we are for the last Clockwork Monday, as we take our final character from the Capes & Clockwork “Superheroes in the Age of Steam” anthologies and post her here with Victorious game statistics. The last, you say? Well, the last for a bit at any r...
Clockwork Mondays: Week 9

Welcome back to our latest installment of the “Clockwork Mondays,” where we take the primary character(s) from the Capes & Clockwork “Superheroes in the Age of Steam” anthologies and post them here with Victorious game statistics. We’re almost...
Clockwork Mondays: Week 8

It’s now our eighth installment of the “Clockwork Mondays,” where we take the primary character(s) from the Capes & Clockwork “Superheroes in the Age of Steam” anthologies and post them here with Victorious game statistics. We’re ...
Clockwork Mondays, Week 6
We’ve made it to our sixth installment of the “Clockwork Mondays,” where we continue to take the primary character(s) from the Capes & Clockwork “Superheroes in the Age of Steam” anthologies and post them here with Victorious game statistic...
Clockwork Mondays, Week 5
We’re now on our fifth installment of the “Clockwork Mondays,” where we continue to take the primary character(s) from the Capes & Clockwork “Superheroes in the Age of Steam” anthologies and post them here with Victorious game statistics, f...
Clockwork Mondays, Week 4
Here it is, our fourth installment of the “Clockwork Mondays”! We continue to take the primary character(s) from the Capes & Clockwork “Superheroes in the Age of Steam” anthologies and posting them here with Victorious game statistics, for your re...
Clockwork Mondays, Week 3
Here is our third installment of the “Clockwork Mondays”, as we continue to take the primary character(s) from the Capes & Clockwork “Superheroes in the Age of Steam” anthologies and posting them here with Victorious game statistics, for you...