The following isn’t comprehensive, but is based on issues players of the Victorious RPG have brought to my attention. If you’ve noticed any such rules issues that aren’t listed here, please feel free to send them my way or post in the comment...
The Power of the Gods

Much like the fiction that inspired it, different Victorious chronicles have different backgrounds for the “Event” that caused SuperMankind to emerge. Like all GMs, I’ve got my own and it involves ancient gods and magicks stored to defend Earth against a...
“Beat my Roll!”

One of the inevitabilities of Victorious (and most other RPGs) is that of player knowledge of the results of tasks. For example, if a hero knows he has a 12+ success rate for a check or save, rolls 17, he knows he made it. Conversely, if he rolled a 3 he knows...
Time Marches On
It’s probably the historian in me, but one issue I’ve had with running a long-term Victorious chronicle is that of time moving onward. I suppose it’s a problem to any historical RPG, be it Godlike’s World War II, Call of Cthulhu’s 1920s, or Colonial ...
Looking Backward from 2000: 1894-5
One of the more interesting ideas that is (or should be) a part of a Victorious chronicle is that of the influence SuperMankind can have on the history of a world. For those chronicles that emphasize the late 19th century, their influence could be quite profou...
That information is not available…
One of the more…interesting?…Yeah, let’s go with ‘interesting>’! One of the more interesting parts of being a Genteel Magistrate is to keep a group of heroines from getting too large. Of course any player’s characters are in the gang, bu...
Martians, Godzilla, and Werewolves; Oh My!
Greetings everyone, I don’t normally plug other blogs (except when I feel like it)….but this one is pretty sweet: Eric’s blog has lots of good info anyway,...
Wolf Vs Whale – The Anglo-American War of 1896

I’ve a confession to make, though I’m sure its hardly news to anyone who’s read the Victorious RPG. I love alternative history. “Counterfactuals”, as historians call them, I find endlessly fascinating and inspirations for gaming. If you have a electr...
Welcome to the Apocalypse
Doesn’t this feel like 2020? Greetings all, Sorry for the 2 month+ delay in posting, its been a hell of a couple of months. Classes, seminars, visiting family, getting back and finding out one of the family had CV19, going into quarantine ourselves, Fall...
Victory Points: Not Just for Heroes Anymore!
Greetings, I was recently listening to a podcast where one of the hosts complained about OSR D&D becoming dull in combat because once you make your attack roll then you’re done for the round and if it’s a complicated version then its off to the kitchen...