Clockwork Monday: Comedy and Tragedy



Carmen Enid Dee was born at the rambling Dee manor outside London. Yes, she’s related to “that” Dee; Dr. John Dee of Queen Elizabeth I’s court. Her ancestor made a deal with the Fey Seelie Court for power, and he got it. Indeed, all his family has it to one degree or another. Of course, that power rendered them insane, but one can’t make an omelet and all that. Normally her life would’ve been composed of teasing her family, exploring Dee manor, chasing faeries and goblins in the gardens, and otherwise amusing herself. Then, she got a copy of the London Times.

“SuperMankind”? Costumes? Fighting in the streets of Old Londontown? That sounded like EVER so much more fun than tooling around the old stodgy manor where they don’t even let you kill peasants anymore! So, with her dear brother Trajan (Tragedy) Dee, they garbed up and went to London to get in on the fun! Of course, they probably won’t kill anyone. Well, not for a while. Just not cricket, since they’ve only just been introduced! Plenty of time for murder later, just like mummy always said!

Put simply, Carmen Dee is insane. The powers bestowed by the Seelie Court upon her bloodline have driven the entire family into madness. What is worse, she enjoys the condition and has no desire to change it. Chaotic behavior is part and parcel of her life, both as Carmen and as Comedy. She commits crimes with her brother, but the Dee’s have so much secret wealth that the actual items of a robbery are irrelevant. To her it’s all part of the game, and she loves embarrassing her foes whenever possible.

Comedy dresses as a typical Jester of the eighteenth century, with all the baubles one might expect. The typical theater mask of “Comedy” covers her face, though the lower mouth and chin are missing to allow her real lower face to show.

a full body drawing of the villain Comedy, wearing a stylized jester outfit and smiling. Art by Sarah White
Comedy copyright Mike Stewart, art by Sarah White

Nom du Guerre: Comedy
Proper Name: Carmen Enid Dee

STR: 9 (+0)
DEX: 22 (+5)
CON: 14(+1)
INT: 15 (+1)
WIS: 16 ( + 2)
CHA: 19 (+3)

INIT: +4
Actions: 3 / 2 rounds
AC: 16, +5 (Dodge)
Defensive: none
Hit Points: 35
Level: 3
Alignment: Evil


Acrobatics – Rank 1
Disguise – Rank 1
Etiquette – Rank 1 (Polite)
Prime – Rank 3 (Dexterity, Wisdom, Charisma)
Thespian – Rank 1

Supernatural Powers

Translocation – Rank 3 (1 per day, only when unconscious, random destination)

Theme: Fey Comedic – Rank 4
Attribute – Rank 4 ( + 20 bonus)
Blast – Rank 2 [Sonic Laugh](2D4)
Lightning Speed – Rank 2
Might – Rank 2 (1D8)
Suppression – Rank 3 (Dexterity, linked to Blast)

Gadget: Blowgun – Rank 2
Entrap – Rank 2 (Constitution, 50% chance of working [-1 cost], requires poison powder)


Enemy – Rank 2 (Scotland Yard)
Phobia – Rank 1 (Insane)
Prior Engagement – Rank 1
Weakness – Rank 1 (Double damage from sonics)
Weakness – Rank 1 (Theme powers only function while costume is worn)


Poison Powder for blowgun
Leather Armor



Trajan Edward Dee was born as the scion of the prestigious family of Dee. Well, they feel it’s prestigious anyway. They traced their lineage to Dr. John Dee of Elizabeth’s court of the 16th century, and didn’t he just do well for himself? The good Doctor kept Queen Elizabeth’s favor (most of the time) and Queen Titania’s fey favors on occasion. He was bestowed powers both temporal and mystical, that was the important part. Of course his family is mad, and polite society avoids them like the plague, but you can’t spend all your time crying over spilt milk, now can you? Trajan could. A lot. Most of the time, come to think of it!

Trajan would’ve been happily miserable at home had it not been for his sister Carmen’s determination to go to London. She wanted to meet people even madder than they were, with strange costumes, stranger powers, and all beating the stuffing out of each other. It sounded, painful, horrible, and full of misery. Naturally, Trajan couldn’t wait to go. Combat, crime, and cucumber sandwiches awaited them both, and Trajan is certain this will spell the ruin of his life.

Like his sister Comedy, Trajan is nuttier than a fruitcake. To him, misery is the best of all emotions, followed quickly by despair and sobbing sadness. Even in combat he will cry and wail about the injustice of his life, the unfairness of being picked on by strange people in costumes, leaping out of the darkness upon him for no reason, and generally interfering with his reasonable attempts to rob jewelry stores. It’s enough to drive someone mad, which it did! Well, he was always mad, but you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few skulls, right? Of course not!

Tragedy dresses as a typical Jester of the eighteenth century, with all the baubles one might expect. The typical theater mask of “Tragedy” covers his face, though the lower mouth of the frown and chin are missing to allow his real lower face to show.

a full body drawing of the villain Tragedy, wearing a stylized jester outfit and posing dramatically
Tragedy copyright Mike Stewart, art by Sarah White

Nom du Guerre: Tragedy
Proper Name: Trajan Edward Dee

STR: 20 (+4)
DEX: 12 ( + 0)
CON: 19(+3)
INT: 11 ( + 0)
WIS: 9 (+0)
CHA: 13 (+1) INIT: +0

Actions: 1 per round
AC: 12
Defensive: +3 Attribute, +3 Mystical, +3 Temporal
Hit Points: 48
Level: 3
Alignment: Evil


Disguise – Rank 1
History/Legend – Rank 1 (London Theatre)
Prime – Rank 3 (Constitution, Wisdom, Charisma)
Thespian – Rank 1

Supernatural Powers

Translocation – Rank 3 (1 per day, only when unconscious, random destination)

Theme: Fey Tragic – Rank 4
Attribute – Rank 4 ( + 20 bonus)
Blast – Rank 2 [Sobbing](2D4)
Invulnerability – Rank 3 ( + 3 Attribute, +3 Mystical, +3 Temporal)
Might – Rank 2 (2D8)
Suppression – Rank 3 (Wisdom, linked to Blast)

Gadget: Blowgun – Rank 2
Entrap – Rank 2 (Wisdom, 50% chance of working [-1 cost], requires crying powder)


Enemy – Rank 2 (Scotland Yard)
Phobia – Rank 1 (Insane)
Prior Engagment  – Rank 1
Weakness (Double damage from psychic attacks)
Weakness (Theme powers only function while costume is worn)


Crying Powder for blowgun
Flash Powder (save vs’. Wisdom or blind for 1D4 rounds)
Leather Armor
Sword Cane (1D6)

Sarah White’s DeviantArt page:

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