This column will be a irregular series on the blog, providing more detailed information about the villains, organizations, and events of the Victorious Earth. They are mostly based on my home chronicle, so Genteel Magistrates are free to modify the information...
Plot Points…the reverse of Victory Points?
Greetings, First my apologies for over 2 weeks without a post. There were extenuating circumstances, but in the end they are irrelevant. I am a humble cur. Anyway, on to the topic at hand. As some of you may know, my wife and I are 2/3rds of the host triumvira...
Victorian and Edwardian Adventure Magazines
Greetings! A quick post this week as it’s been a busy weekend. Here are some nice online sources for Victorian and Edwardian (pre-1911) magazines to use as inspiration for adventures or even props for some of your Victorious games. Enjoy, and tell us ...
A Point of Conflict
Greetings, I find myself caught in a bit of a conundrum when it comes to Victorious setting and detail, particularly when it comes to the less pleasant aspects of Victorian life. Most steampunk writings get around the issues of gender inequality, racism, or c...
Need to send word to your Heroes and Heroines?
…then check out the new blank Western Union telegram file in the Resources section. It’s from 1919, but it should be a good enough in-game prop to give a GM’s session that old Victorian feel! Genteel Magistrate P.S. We recommend using a typeface su...
Calling in the Cavalry (repost)
Calling in the Cavalry Optional rule for the Victorious RPG We all know that it always happens. It occurs in every sort of crisis, to the point where it’s a trope of the Superhero Genre. The Z-Men face off against the alien Bandersnatch as they attempt to ta...
The Law of SuperMankind (part 1)
Hello again, I’ve recently been reading The Law of Superheroes by James Daily and Ryan Davidson, and have been considering its ramifications in the Victorious Earth. It’s an ongoing process, so forgive me if I make several posts as I move through the book....
More Super-Hero Podcasts
Greetings all, As I’ve mentioned before in a previous post, I am keeping my Victorious super-mood going with listening to episodes of Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men. I’ve also found some other podcasts I’d like to pimp below: Fantasticast https://ffcas...
Why Victory Points are Vital
Greetings! I recently discovered a podcast called Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men, which can be found at: In episode 11, they discuss the way Nightcrawler escapes from a death trap Doctor Doom has put him in. It’s ba...
Clockwork Mondays: Week 10

Here we are for the last Clockwork Monday, as we take our final character from the Capes & Clockwork “Superheroes in the Age of Steam” anthologies and post her here with Victorious game statistics. The last, you say? Well, the last for a bit at any r...