It is a curious notion that even beings such as SuperMankind are prey to a predator, but in a universe of impossibilities this is yet one more impossibility that is also a truth. SCEPTRE was created by Her Majesty Victoria Regina to fight foes of Great Britain...
Victorious on Game School (repost)
Greetings, Its a couple of days late, but we had a tornado blow through here. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! 😀 One year ago Victorious was covered on the Game School podcast…if you missed it the first time give it a listen! ...
Time Flies…?
Long time no see— I was thinking to myself that I needed to post on the blog since it had been over a week since I’d last posted. So, I got on to take a look…and saw it was over 3 weeks! I’ll try to make sure things don’t sneak up on me aga...
Most Secret: Stately Dee Manor

This Magickal location can best be imagined as a Victorian equivalent to the “Addams Family” TV show of the 1960s. The house is a massive rambling pile in the courntryside of Kent, and its construction is of a variety of styles and floors. From above, the ...
We’re with Humble Bundle!

We are excited and proud to announce that Victorious is joining the latest Old School Humble Bundle! You can get the core rulebook and start playing at the introductory tier of only ONE DOLLAR. If you’ve been on the fence about picking up the game up to now,...
FenCon 2019 will be Victorious!
Greetings all, This is just a quick note to one and all that my dear wife Liz and I will be at FenCon at the Sheraton Hotel near the DFW airport this weekend. We’ll be in the gaming room running Victorious after 6pm on Friday and Saturday nights, and the gam...
Tripping the Light Enfeebled

We live in an electrified society. A neon society, a civilization where if you live in a city of any real size the night’s darkness is frequently marred by light pollution. One has to go far into the countryside to get a proper view of the Milky Way, and the...
Sorry for the Quiet…
But I’ve been busy with the Victorious game with the missing member (last post), as well as my wife’s birthday and ReaperCon…. It’s been a busy August! I’m hoping to have a post up either tonight or tomorrow about streets, lightin...
An Empty Chair at the Table
Hello all, A few days ago I was informed that a friend of mine passed away. I’ve known friends that died before, but this was a different experience. No death is really anticipated, but the suddenness of this passing really struck me. Beyond being a regular ...
Evil in the White City Act 1 Released!

Greetings all, The first part of the upcoming Evil in the White City supplement for Victorious has been released on DriveThru RPG! Act 1 involves a missing student, a curious skeleton, and the lair of…the Articulator! This first part of the four-part boo...