Hello all,
This will be quick, as I’m getting ready to run my Grim Victorious game for North Texas RPG Con. Due to CV19, I will be running it virtually. I’m hoping I can still keep the dark tone of the book it’s loosely based on (The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen), but we’ll see if I can translate this to online play.
The players will be using pre-gens I provide, and a virtual biscuit to anyone who recognizes the names!
- Jennie Baxter
- Sexton Blake
- Peter Whimsey
- Flaxman Low
- Loveday Brooke.
- A. J. Raffles
- Thomas Carnacki
Hope everyone is well in these days of semi-quarantine,
Genteel Magistrate
Not sure of all the names but AJ Raffles the gentleman thief by E W Hornung, and Thomas Carnacki the Ghost Finder created by William Hope Hodgson I definitely recognize