Greetings all, Sorry for the delay in posting, but we’ve been prepping to go to the North Texas RPG Con, and as usual we’re taking the whole house and the kitchen sink. Not to mention I’ve been prepping for my Victorious game I’m...
Liz Stewart artwork
Clockwork Mondays: Week 10

Here we are for the last Clockwork Monday, as we take our final character from the Capes & Clockwork “Superheroes in the Age of Steam” anthologies and post her here with Victorious game statistics. The last, you say? Well, the last for a bit at any r...
Clockwork Mondays, Week 3
Here is our third installment of the “Clockwork Mondays”, as we continue to take the primary character(s) from the Capes & Clockwork “Superheroes in the Age of Steam” anthologies and posting them here with Victorious game statistics, for you...