Hello again! Going off the idea of inspiration elaborated on by the prior post, I also have music playing while I write my various games and fiction pieces. Regarding Castle Zagyg, I’m listening to the Conan the Barbarian soundtrack, Excalibur soundtrack...
Genteel Magistrate
Literary influencers
Greetings, I hope everyone’s staying warm this lovely December? Literary influence is important to me when it comes to getting the right “mood” for writing a particular genre. For example, I’ve recently been re-reading Leiber’s Fa...
Gaslight news
Greetings again, I have a bit more Victorious news this week, as the crowd-sourced game Gaslight Victorian Fantasy by Battlefield Press successfully made its funding goal and will be headed to press. Your humble author has submitted a short story to their Tale...
Keeping busy with the Trolls!
Hello all, My apologies for the inactivity on this blog over the past bit. Life is Lifin’ as the “kids” say. 😉 As some of you know I’ve been tapped by Troll Lord Games to be head writer on the Castle Zagyg dungeons beyond the castle ...
Guest Post by Battlefield Press! Gaslight Victorian Fantasy

This isn’t Victorious, but it’s Victorian Weirdness™ so it’s close enough. Besides, we small publisher game designers need to stick together! If you help them make it to the $10,000 stretch goal, the Genteel Magistrate will be one of the au...
NTRPG Con 2022 Victorious session, Part II

Greetings all, long time no see! Sorry about the vast gap of time between these posts, but I fell into Doctor Saturn’s Electric Chronoscope, and it sent me over 2 years into the future. That’s what happened. Really! It’s my story and I’...
Genteel Magistrate at FenCon XVIII

Victorious author Mike Stewart will be a guest at FenCon XVIII this weekend at the Sheraton DFW Airport hotel, 4440 W. John Carpenter Freeway, Irving, TX, September 16-18! You can catch him at various panels throughout the weekend, as well as running a demo of...
The NTRPG Con 2022 Victorious game: Part 1

At the beginning of the session we passed out envelopes to each of the seven players. They were told to open them and look at the 2 playing cards within. If neither were spades or clubs, then they weren’t the killer of the wizard’s fiancé. While they were...
That information is not available…
One of the more…interesting?…Yeah, let’s go with ‘interesting>’! One of the more interesting parts of being a Genteel Magistrate is to keep a group of heroines from getting too large. Of course any player’s characters are in the gang, bu...
Most Secret: Stately Dee Manor

This Magickal location can best be imagined as a Victorian equivalent to the “Addams Family” TV show of the 1960s. The house is a massive rambling pile in the courntryside of Kent, and its construction is of a variety of styles and floors. From above, the ...