NTRPG Con 2022 Victorious session, Part II

Greetings all, long time no see!

Sorry about the vast gap of time between these posts, but I fell into Doctor Saturn’s Electric Chronoscope, and it sent me over 2 years into the future. That’s what happened. Really! It’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Now that apologies (and excuses) are done with, let’s return to those Exciting Days of Yesteryear™, where Victorious adventure abounds!

We last left our band of criminals at the Witch’s hut in the swamplands of Hell. Blackguard, having betrayed the evil sentience of his armor, was zapped free of the Infernal realm and returned to Earth. Apparently. Would a witch lie?

As the others debated what questions, if any, were appropriate to ask…Mister Hyde lost his patience again and left the hut. Standing outside, he had a thought and decided to get rid of his fellows by bringing the hut down over their heads. After all, one of them had to be the murderer so by killing them all he would gain his freedom. This unarguable logic caused him to bring down the brick walls and everyone scattered.

Blast used her Etherealness to avoid the collapsing bricks and flew out to attack Hyde, first with words then with her trademark energy blasts. The fight led into the ruins of the hut (where others had scrambled for safety. We need not belabor the fate of Blast and Hyde at the witch’s er…hand. Suffice it to say Blast was gone into the Ether and Mister Hyde ended up in the Elemental Plane of Lime Jell-o. Don’t ask, it was…odd.

The remaining villains, now reduced to simply doing their best to reach the river Styx and the Ferryman Charon, marched off to find the waters in question.

By the time Comedy, Shatter, Tragedy and Hooligan found their way to the lake they discovered they had to cross it to get close to the edge of Hell. Its sides were precipitous cliffs, so braving the water would be the way to go. Or was it? Shatter drew up another rock arch to try and avoid the water. Tentacles burst from the water and started dragging down the rock causeway!

A 20-sided die showing a 20 on its faceRather than band together to fight the creature, the villains Comedy and Shatter simultaneously fought it while also trying to push the other to their doom. While this was going on, Hooligan started to discreetly shoot at the two battling Femmes, no doubt hoping it would go unnoticed. Tragedy noticed however, and was offended that someone other than himself was trying to kill his sister! Hooligan successfully picked off Shatter with a Nat 20 on his roll.

Climbing the dangerous cliffs, Comedy and Hooligan came to the river and battled each other to see who would get to be on Charon’s ferry boat. It came down to nail-biting but Comedy was the sole survivor, riding back to the surface world while her companions in crime remained in Hell for eternity. Or the next time a Genteel Magistrate needs them!

As one might surmise, all the players wanted to know who the actual murderer was. With an evil grin, the GM of this game (allegedly Yours Truly) told them NONE of them were! The wizard Mallus was mistaken and cast his curse in grief not in knowledge. Everyone was suitably impressed with the GM’s cleverness, and as a result of my being released from the hospital I get to finish posting this now that all my injuries have fully healed.

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