It is a curious notion that even beings such as SuperMankind are prey to a predator, but in a universe of impossibilities this is yet one more impossibility that is also a truth. SCEPTRE was created by Her Majesty Victoria Regina to fight foes of Great Britain...
Most Secret
Most Secret: Stately Dee Manor

This Magickal location can best be imagined as a Victorian equivalent to the “Addams Family” TV show of the 1960s. The house is a massive rambling pile in the courntryside of Kent, and its construction is of a variety of styles and floors. From above, the ...
Most Secret: The New Model Army

This column will be a irregular series on the blog, providing more detailed information about the villains, organizations, and events of the Victorious Earth. They are mostly based on my home chronicle, so Genteel Magistrates are free to modify the information...