Hello again! Going off the idea of inspiration elaborated on by the prior post, I also have music playing while I write my various games and fiction pieces. Regarding Castle Zagyg, I’m listening to the Conan the Barbarian soundtrack, Excalibur soundtrack...
Castle Zagyg
Literary influencers
Greetings, I hope everyone’s staying warm this lovely December? Literary influence is important to me when it comes to getting the right “mood” for writing a particular genre. For example, I’ve recently been re-reading Leiber’s Fa...
Keeping busy with the Trolls!
Hello all, My apologies for the inactivity on this blog over the past bit. Life is Lifin’ as the “kids” say. 😉 As some of you know I’ve been tapped by Troll Lord Games to be head writer on the Castle Zagyg dungeons beyond the castle ...