Writing playlists for all occasions

Hello again!

Going off the idea of inspiration elaborated on by the prior post, I also have music playing while I write my various games and fiction pieces. Regarding Castle Zagyg, I’m listening to the Conan the Barbarian soundtrack, Excalibur soundtrack, and early works by Ronnie James Dio. I know Dio seems a bit unusual compared to the other two, but sometimes music imparts feelings and emotions that might not always seem obvious. Dio’s music may not be “Medieval Fantasy” per se, but some of his 1980s videos had strong fantasy themes. I hear the music, I think of the videos, and am inspired! Rick Wakeman’s another one of those who works much like Dio, though it’s more his “Journey to the Center of the Earth” themed concerts that get my creative juices flowing.

For Victorious writing, I vary a bit more. Sometimes I go with traditional classic work such as a Classical music channel or soundtracks to Penny Dreadful or the Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock Holmes films. For a more Steampunk feel, I go with some Abney Park, Professor Elemental, or Vernian Process.

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